Thursday, 12 June 2008

Greetings from beyond!!

Howdee Doodee People.
As this is my first post, just thought I'd say hello really. What I plan on doing is keeping (those who are interested) up to date with my developing portfolio of Award Winning artistry!! and boring you silly in the process. I am in the process if re-inventing myself at the moment, and this might be an interesting way of documenting the struggle to become a recognized artist.. did I mention I was Award Winning? I'll dig out a picture of me at the awards and post it to you to prove it.
I have a new website being laid to rest and risen from the grave as I type and also a book of character designs on the way. The fixation with Horror stems from a Christmas Card project I set myself one year (that I may revisit one day) and rolled on from there. I enjoy the subversion of creating relatively cute looking versions of fearsome/feared creatures, as my natural illustrative style is very simple and sits well with the idea.
I also enjoy creating artwork around bands/music (like most Designers/Illustrators).. but I'll go into that a bit more when I post some samples!
You can check out my old website at 

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