Wednesday, 23 December 2009
One for the road!

War of Words.. TRIANGLE (Part 1)

If I don't make any more posts before Christmas and the New Year celebrations, have yourselves a most excellent time, and thanks for checking by my blog this year.. come again won't you!
Monday, 21 December 2009
Sith Aprentice
Remix 01 Y'all!

Many moons ago I did an illustration of the Creature from the Black Lagoon. This piece turned out to be the catalyst in creating 'Horror Business'.. so where better place to start, than at the beginning. I must dig out the original drawings to post at some point, but for now, here is the 2009 remix. It's funny because I can remember doing the original and it taking me blinking hours for some reason.. this little fella took about 15 minutes. Now either I've gotten pretty lazy in my approach to art, or (and I like to think it's this) I've begun to refine my style to a point that I can work much more effectively in a shorter space of time...
but then I might just be talking out my ass!
Friday, 18 December 2009
War of Words.. DANGER

Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Friday, 11 December 2009
War of Words.. RISE

Dave (having also struggled with the word) has put another great piece together. It's fun, funny and very well put together, I'm loving the relationship between the image and text.. well done old chum!
Friday, 4 December 2009
War of Words.. MASTER
Friday, 27 November 2009
For the devil sends the beast with wrath..

War of Words.. WELCOME

Dave is BACK!... and even he's happy with his splendid Arkham Asylum cast.. and so he should be.. it ROCKS!
Next week... MASTER.
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Girl Power

Did a doodle at break.. really liked it too!.. So here it is. Ironically I was going to mark this up as Marvel Comics 'Black Widow'.. but I've just checked my buddy Dave's blog and he's gone and posted a Black Widow sketch (and very good it is too).. so now it looks like I'm copying... so here is a' Kick Ass King Fu Killa' instead!
Chrismus is coming!!!!
Thursday, 19 November 2009
War of Words.. GOLDEN

Dave's getting back up to speed with his artwork now and this collection of Characters from Lord of the Rings proves the point! Great Stuff!
Friday, 13 November 2009
War of Words.. STATUE

Dave's struggling with 'Illustrator's block' again this week.. it must be the water round here! His Doctor Who sketches look brilliant though and I'm excited to see what he does with the final piece.... and I knew he'd go for the statues from 'Blink' for his entry!!
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
yet more sketches...
even more doodles
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
more doodles

The goofy looking vampire was just me mucking about with shapes again..
Friday, 6 November 2009
War of Words.. EMPTY

I seemed to manage my time much better this week and whilst watching a marathon session of 'Most Haunted' I doodled away in my sketchbook.. and my entry for EMPTY magically found it's way onto the page.. It's tenuous.. but I don't care.. I'm really liking the blue demon harpy girl I did.
Dave struggled with the design this week (not the concept).. head over to davehiggins.wordpress.com and see the frustration unfold. The result is worth it though.. another brilliant idea from Mister H.
Next week... STATUE.
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Monday, 2 November 2009
Plug time!
Well.. seeing as I missed a trick when it came to the perfect Halloween gift.. how's about the perfect christmas gift? I have 2 very smart books available at blurb. Click on an icon to view a preview of each, and do your best ever friend a favour and buy them a copy... maybe.
Friday, 30 October 2009
War of Words... SPELL

Another crappy week at work has meant that I failed to get a fresh sketch finalised for the word, so I've submitted an older image I did a few months ago which (witch) fits the bill.. but it still feels like a gyp sorry!.. Mine's the nudie green girl on the bottom.
Dave's work in progress (at the top) is quite frankly AWESOME... and I really want to see the finished item, which (witch) when it's done, I'll post! New word (which/witch hopefully I'll be able to get a finished piece together for) is EMPTY.
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Monday, 26 October 2009
War of Words.. BELIEF

Dave's entry is altogether more clever.. and fun.. click on the close up and read on!
New word of the week... SPELL! in honor of Halloween!
Friday, 23 October 2009
Still alive...

thought I'd post a couple of them to show ya'll that I'm not being lazy.
It's funny, because I've been getting really frustrated at this lack of creativity at the moment, but time is just sooooo tight right now!
Tuesday, 20 October 2009

I like this image, the shapes are nice and simple, but still pretty strong!
Friday, 16 October 2009
The Dancing Dead..
War of Words.. SUGAR

Dave has produced another nice piece based on the Honey monster. I remember being a little scared of him on the adverts when I was a kid.. The costume was pretty primitive back then as I remember... Still, Dave's take on the yellow peril is no less frightening... and he got a girl in there too!
Thursday, 15 October 2009
something different?

Heard today that we didn't get the job.. Not that I'm bitter, but they probably went for something pretty lifeless.. Still.. I think there's some mileage in these characters and I liked the colours..
See.. I do real work too!
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