Because I've been researching Character brands for the Masters of late, here's an experiment that I quite fancy doing some more with. I wanted to create a cute character in the style of Hello Kitty, yet (as is my want) have a horror themed link with it... So here's my first attempt (and some initial design layouts too).
What do you guys think? Is it worth me pursuing the idea any further?
I love these!
Thanks again Jon... that's awesome!!!
Cool Shane I think this has a lot of potential (haha I thought it was fan art of an existing brand at first so it must be good!!) I'd definitely follow it up. I love the way the 'i' stretches on the text. Plus, this japanese stuff is really 'in' at the moment. I can see it on bags and lunchboxes especially for some reason. And everything really. How the heck do you make a start with a character like this? Good luck!
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