The reason for me is that I tried my very best to avoid doing anything relating to women this week... hence my first entry.. the sad ginger monster... cursed by cruel fate. Then I thought, how can I let the word mistress go without a nod to Elvira (Mistress of the Dark).. what an opportunity missed.. so bugger it! I did a real quick sketch (also posted) and then worked up the illustration (all in about half an hour).. and I love it.. Really glad I did it now.
As for my esteemed colleague Mr Dave... He did 2 entries just because he could... (and it's great to see his confidence growing as we knock out these weekly words).. A great fetish girl (very well thought out with the background, composition and colours... looks like this could end up as a gig/event poster to me Dave).. and for version 2 Dave did a little research into famous 'mistresses' and came across a character who's been in an episode of Doctor Who... reason enough for Dave to (finally) get a pic of the doctor out there... and pretty darn splendid it is too (from a time when the show was still entertaining)!!
Well done Mr H.. I think we both deserve a pat on the back for this one... but not too much of the self congratulations... what about the next word!!!!!