...or in my case... CRAPPY Halloween. My computer went down earlier in the week and I'm still not sure if it (or any of the work on it) is recoverable. As such, I'm behind on my Masters work and the word of the week (next weeks word is CHINA) I have a sketch for chicken but this machine I'm running to post this message is having a real problem with updating so I can install my scanner on to.. To cap it all, I've got a dose of 'Man Flu' and I recently started a part time Christmas Job to get some cash in the coffin and the early start is killing me!
Regardless of that.. Have a Great Halloween everyone!
Sunday, 31 October 2010
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
War of Words... SAVAGE
The Wolfman's dream

Also, Dave's having trouble with his server at the minute, hence the delay in posting last weeks word. I'll pop my entry for SAVAGE up in a bit and add Dave's when it arrives.
Friday, 15 October 2010
The Mummy Returns
Do the Mummy

I'm really pleased with this illustration. In much the same way as I've been studying the likes of Shane Glines and Ben Caldwell of late, I've really enjoyed putting my spin on Dave's artwork, and it's made me realize that I may have been labouring over my own work a little too much lately... which may explain my frustration any time I pick up a pencil..
War of Words... POLICE

Dave has done it again, with a brilliant rendering of the Keystone Cops.. This great image belies the fact that in prepping it for posting it almost drove him mad. I hope that seeing it here will give Dave a sense of fulfillment.. you did a great piece again my friend.
I set out on a similar path, with a view of producing an image of Sting and cohorts.. however, unlike Dave.. when I was constantly buggering up the sketches because I couldn't visualize what was in my head I threw in the towel. So here's an illustration of Judge Anderson and Judge Death. Surprised with myself that I've not done anything Dredd related before.
Next week... SAVAGE!
She's the queen of halloween..
She walks by moonlight..
Thursday, 14 October 2010
We have lift off!!

Those lovely people over at Society6 have very kindly chosen to promote my 'Powergirl' artwork on their store site.. The image is available as a geeclee print, a stretched canvas, T-shirt and Hoodie.. How cool!!
Go see it at...
Thanks guys!Also.. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Rogue over at
For supporting my blog AND my work.. I can highly recommend that anyone who's not visited his blog should check it out.
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
More sketchy stuff
Rudie Nudie
More Sketches
Tuesday, 12 October 2010

A few years back I was asked to produce an idea for the National Student Drama Festival (NSDF) the concept was to introduce the 'classic' works of drama and literature to the 'modern' teen audience.
I felt that this drawing of Noel Gallagher (then of the band OASIS) reciting Shakespeare (with his typical Manchester speak) really nailed the idea. However, the NSDF decided to run with artwork that was more in the vein of Jamie Hewlett (due to the popularity of The Gorillaz at the time) and my concept was sidelined.
For the most part I really like this illustration (maybe I'd change the legs) so here it is!
Oops.. I may have done it again!
The Accidental Tourist.. revisited

Pretty pleased with the end result now.. do you think it would make a good t-shirt design?
Saturday, 9 October 2010
War of Words... SHIELD

I had a chat with Dave earlier on in the week and he told me that he was struggling to visualize his idea.. I said "go for it".. and I'm glad he listened. His take on the classic comedy 'SLEDGEHAMMER' is a winner. You can guess at the link, but it's the badge (or shield as our American brothers and sisters call it) that all law enforcers live by. I loved Sledgehammer.. I always remember an episode called 'Witless' that parodied the Harrison Ford movie 'Witness'.. brilliant!
I had a few ideas.. Batfink (which Dave shared) Captain America, Judge Dredd and an angry viking.. Thought I'd go for the viking for a change. I went through a few compositional layout before deciding on the one included here.. I just wanted to give the sense of them being up close and in your face... think I cracked it. They actually have a bit of a cuteness about them.. like viking versions of the Time Bandits!
Damn it.. I could have done a Valkyrie.. and got a drawing of a sexy woman in... bugger it!
Next week.. POLICE.
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Just out of interest...

As part of the Masters programme I've just started, we've been asked to put together an 'Influence map'. What a cool project! Here's mine. The images represent the following-
01. Craig McKraken (Powerpuff Girls creator)
02. Dave Mckean (Genius Artist)
03. Artistic Gig Posters (The White Stripes image)
04. Monsters (whether it be monster movies or folk tales)
05. Mike Mignola (Hellboy creator)
06. Gentle Giant's Animated Maquettes (Princess Leia)
07. Halloween
08. Jon and Louise (The KAIJU Felt Monsters)
09. Bruce Timm (Genius creator)
10. Zombina and the Skeletones (Best Band in the WORLD!)
11. Music (The Record Player)
12. Children's Picture Books (Where the Wild Things Are)
13. Ralph Bakshi's Animated Lord of The Rings
14. Shane Glines (The Vampirella art)
15. Tim Burton (Jack Skellington)
16. KISS (my childhood obsession)
17. Mary Blair (Beautiful Artwork)
18. Michael Avon Oeming (Great Illustrator)
19. Samurai Jack (One of the finest cartoons ever made)
and there you have it!
Friday, 1 October 2010
War of Words... ENCHANTED

Ooh.. not too bad a word this week. Wish I'd have thought about Buffy and done a 'Dark Willow' like Dave's produced, but I guess I'm still pretty happy with my effort. I've set it up to resemble a page layout from a (fictional) Children's book.. hmm.. maybe I should have left the naked fairy thing out of the shot!!
Next week's word is SHIELD... yikes!
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