Hi All. Tomorrow (April 1st) my Masters group is starting a sketch a day project. I've been thinking about how I was going to approach it, and I've decided to produce the artwork on a postcard... maybe with a view of selling the originals on at some point (if they're not too shabby). I will be posting the sketches on here as I do them too, as the Facebook group we are using is 'closed' to public viewing at the moment.
Been a little busy in the last week getting my University work in order.. will post some sketches when I get a chance!
Thursday, 31 March 2011
Monday, 28 March 2011
Driving me Unsane...

My poster design for the UNSANE gig went down well, the client felt that they wanted a more 'aggressive' look for the poster though, one that reflected the music a little more... so here's 2 further designs I've been working on to try and hit the right tone... Yes, that's Tura Satana kicking ass on the bottom one!
I'll still use my 'Mignola' style horned man for another band though (it's too cool not to!).
Friday, 25 March 2011
Unsane in the membrane

Well, here's the full image of that sneaky peak I gave you last week. I was holding on to it until the client approved the design... but it's been a week and I've not heard back off them with a 'yes' or a 'no'... and I like it too much not to share it with everyone... so here it is.
I was asked to put together this gig poster off the back of my Electric Wizard posts a while back and pretty much given free reign for the design. I found a beautiful wood cut of some Devil doing dastardly deeds and re-envisaged his (err) visage... The protractor type logo in the top left is UNSANE's own little icon which fitted in quite nicely. Has a bit of a Mignola feel to it don't you think?
Thursday, 24 March 2011
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
More postery type work

Hope you don't mind Dave!
Monday, 21 March 2011
Saturday, 19 March 2011
Something old, something new
Whilst laid up on my death bed, I got to playing around with BLURB again, and decided to have a go at producing something a little different. It's a Black & White 'portfolio' booklet with some choice images in. Now, bear in mind, I'm poorly sick AND this was just an experiment, but the preview looks good! I've sent off for a copy and I'll post some images when it arrives. If it's any good, It will be an affordable way for me to get my artwork out, but also for people to buy it (its £4.00 plus postage, thats about $2.00 I think!)
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Batman of the Future

Been watching episodes of Batman of the Future with my son lately, and it's made me appreciate the show more (not that I didn't appreciate it in the first place).. so I actually did the sketch whilst we were watching it, and worked up the Illustrator file in about 20 minutes...
Pretty pleased with the result too.
War of Words... FORCE
Monsters, monsters everywhere!!
Friday, 11 March 2011
The slowly evolving monster band book...

Been struggling to get motivated again for the Masters module.. I just don't know why, but I've even been putting off trying to develop the 'invisible drummer' character. Then yesterday I did a little doodling without putting too much effort into it and a little sketch came out (attached above) and from that sketch came a lot of excitement indeed!!
So tonight, amidst a stinking cold, a poorly 2 year old and off the back of 3 sleepless nights I decided to start working the sketch up to see where it would lead.... and I'm sooooo glad I did! Here's a working illustration of the invisible girl... yes you read that right... all will become clear when the story unfolds.. I've also included a 'sneak peek' of some of the narrative... you lucky, lucky people!!!
Remember that the story has been adapted for a 'pre-school' audience and the illustrations will be submitted to the MacMillan Book Prize competition (hopefully).... if they're good enough!
I'm REALLY stoked about this now.
More poster jiggery
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
Good news everyone!!

Show your support and head on over there, there are so many great artists on show.
War of Words... JIGSAW

This week's word: FORCE.... isn't it obvious what I'm going to do??
Currently Listening to:
Eisley: The Valley (not that that has anything to do with anything really, just wanted to share!).
Thursday, 3 March 2011
Heart and Saul..
Further explorations in space and time..

Here's the slightly more 'worked up' femme fatale from a previous post. I played around with the colours a lot before settling on this set up, she went from being a blonde to a redhead before I settled on the black. It felt good to have the bulk of the character shape almost 'implied' rather than clearly defined. Slightly changed the face shape, and threw in some curves.
I'm pretty happy with it too!
The elusive monster band (update 2)

Here's some Work In Progress illustrations for the Children's book Monster Band. The keen eyed among you will notice 2 wolfmen.. I'm not sure which one I prefer at the minute (though I think that the bottom one fits in style with the Vampire and Gill Man the best... even though he looks more like a cat at the minute!).
I'm definately happy with the Vampire though!
Case in point... Femme Fatale

Tuesday, 1 March 2011
Dark days

I can't seem to take my work (and professional profile) to the next level, and I'm getting increasingly sick of it to be honest. There is so much great talent out there, and I'm starting to think I wont attain that same level any time in the future.
Sometimes I produce an image that makes me think 'yeah, there's something there'... but for every one of those I'll put out 10 that are desperate attempts to be 'creative'. I've begun to realize that in trying to understand how others work I've lost sight of how I work. It's a common danger (and always has been) when you're trying to move your artwork forward... but I feel like I've been blinded by it in recent times.
This Ninja Tortoise is from a sketch I did for the War of Words 'Shell' entry, and whilst working on it I realized how important it was for me to 'reduce' the design to it's most basic of shapes in order for me to be 'happy' with it... and looking back over recent posts, it's a common theme. Take 'Lemmy's head' for example... it's almost entirely made up of basic abstract shapes.. and I'm really happy with it. Same with the 'Cowboy & Ninja' post... really pleased with the outcome. yet I continuously try to change how I approach my work... what the hell for? Surely the 'joy' is in creating artwork that is a little more challenging, more exciting because it's natural and not forced...
I appologise if I've disappointed any viewers with any substandard art in recent times... If it's any consolation, you're nowhere near as disappointed as I am!
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